We have been off the radar for a while now. Pretty much 2 months to be exact. As most of you are aware, our brick and mortar shop is no more. I am not sure if it closed due to flooding or if my heart could no longer handle the hardships of taking on such a difficult & daunting task of owning an actual store location. All these months away from it were deeply important. I realized what I needed during this time was a chance. A chance to heal. A chance to think. Evaluate. Learn.
Just over 6 months have passed. I thought I would be able to adjust and recover quicker than I did. I thought I would bounce back and grow my business better and faster. I was wrong. These last 6 months were full of panic, stress, worry. I went full speed ahead without thinking and tried to build a business after “The Great Flood of 2019”. What happened?? I went in a million different directions without asking myself if this was what I truly wanted. I was simply concentrating on the money. I mean, I don’t blame myself for that. It all came at me very quickly. How to pay off my loan? How to build it all back from nothing…again? How to keep my spirits and motivation high while dealing with insurance, unmanageable landlords and employees? But the parts I avoided asking myself were ultimately the most important; How do I overcome this on a day to day basis? How do I heal from heartbreak and loss? How can I learn from it, grow and move forward? What could you have done differently? And lastly, and most valuable of all… Did you even want this? Were you happy with a brick & mortar? What is it that you TRULY want from building nothing into something?
Once I started to ask myself the right questions I began to find the answers I have always been seeking. It has left me feeling invigorated, alive and more inspired by this business than ever. Petra de Luna Shop is going through a serious business transition. Our products will be narrowed down. Our look will be similar, but deeply different. More refined. More us. More creative and truly authentic to the soul behind our mission. The biggest change isn’t what you will see but in who I am becoming. I thought for a while that this business was done. That I didn’t have the know-how or knowledge to move forward in the direction I have wanted to take it. I was close to giving up. Close to calling it quits. I was so very close to failure, but I realized something about 2019… I was not the woman I needed to be in order to build the life and business I have always dreamed of.
These past few months I have been feverishly studying business, marketing, meditating, growing and developing into the person I need to be to turn this tiny business into my giant dream. I write this not only for myself, but for you as well. Without overthinking too much truly ask yourself, “WHAT. DO. I. WANT?” What do you want in this life? Are you living it now? What can you do for yourself each day that can bring you closer to your dreams? Once you begin to ask yourself quality questions your focus and mindset shifts into action and learning mode. Without a doubt in my soul I know I am taking action towards becoming the person I need to be to build my dreams. I cannot wait to show you what we have been up to. What we have in store for Petra de Luna Shop…and for you! I am working on creating a deeply authentic, heartfelt and touching business. I hope you stick around to be a part of it all, because without you…We are nothing.
Health & happiness,