Hey we are so stinkin' excited to be a part of this event. Petra de Luna Shop strives to carry unique, handmade one-of-a-kind pieces from all over the world so we think this multicultural event was made just for us. Come on out to the newer Ruocco Park in San Diego Bay Harbor. It's right next to the Midway and Seaport Village. A great location for the family to spend the day. Fingers crossed that the weather holds up.
This festival shows off the rich and still present cultures throughout San Diego County. Dancers, singers, live bands and musicians...food, food, and more ethnic food than you could ever eat! Pure fun, pure entertainment and purely to bring people together. We can't wait to see you there...
When: January 14th, Saturday 10-5
Where: Ruocco Park in San Diego Bay Harbor
Why: FOR FUN!!
Costs: FREE!! The event is free. Parking, however; is not free near the downtown area. Metered parking is available throughout the area for maximum 2 hours.