I don't know about any of you, but one of my favorite things to do is shop. I don't mean your typical mall rat that just buys something massively manufactured. I am talking about "the hunt" as I heard someone refer to it as. Finding those one of a kind, unique, antique, stunning pieces that do not exist anywhere else on the planet. Those rare novelties that require more time than any right minded person should be willing to give. I know there are others out there like me. I follow them on Instagram, Pinterest, and some even have blogs that I love to read. I only thought it fitting that I give out a few of my own personal market gems. I am listing my favorite markets to attend with the most unique items and experiences.
P.S. A love of travel is necessary for this list.
1.) Chichicastenango: Santo Tomas, Guatemala. Every Thursday & Sunday.

This market is in Santo Tomas, Guatemala. My first experience with this market was breathtaking and traumatizing all in one. For one, it is OVERWHELMING! Large, crowded, and loud this market will give you a headache if this isn't your thing. Also, as a foreigner you are guaranteed to be harassed into buy something. If you are able to speak some Spanish (mine is quite limited) you can find yourself capable of wiggling around and negotiating with some of the best salesman on the planet. The views are unreal and everything is artisan made. No machines, no manufacturing...just traditionally handmade beautiful products.
2.) Mercado Municipal: San Cristobal de las casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Everyday.

I can't get enough of this market. If I could live anywhere on the planet I think San Cristobal might take the cake for me. Stunning as a city to visit, but even more for those who love to hunt for unique, fun, quality made pieces. This market is not as big and not nearly as busy as Chichi. The vendors range from hot food, leather, beadwork, textiles, jewelry. The best part is their story. Every single one of the vendors has a story, and I love hearing about who they are, where they come from and how they were able to open up a shop. If you ever have the chance to be enchanted by this place, go.
3.) Rose Bowl Flea Market: Pasadena, California. Second Sunday of every month.
What can I say? This event is the king of kings in terms of "hunting". I love this place. I have worked as a vendor, shopped here, eaten here...and even seen a few celebrities. It takes over
the entire parking area of the Rose Bowl and the surrounding vendor area. This event has it all! Handmade, vintage, manufactured, cheap, quality...you name it, it's here! The surrounding area is gorgeous with the old homes and estates that border the Rose Bowl. I could just drive around looking at all the inspiring homes as well. It is a fun treat to be a part of this place and even more fun to be a shopper. Everyone should check it out at least once if they can.