To travel is to experience true freedom. One hour you can be in a place that feels dark, heavy, and unwelcoming…and the next you can be experiencing sunshine, fresh air, and warmth. My favorite part of travel is the experience of different cultures. Culture is, quite frankly, one of the most moving experiences a human can have. It’s awesome. Different languages, traditions, food, & celebrations…Culture is where I have experienced some of my life's heartwarming, core moments.
Looking back on where I have traveled I realize my deepest, most self-fulfilling moments are when I am somewhere on the road. Don’t get me wrong, I love home, but my soul has consistently called for faraway places. My business, Petra de Luna, was built on the foundations of my wanderlust heart.
Growing up in a multicultural home I already had a heart for different ways of life. As I grew so did my desire to see new places and meet new people. And although I am often too tired to travel the way I used to, I still long for travel. It always changes me for the better. In fact, when I am feeling disconnected from myself, or overwhelmed by life I always find a calmness through travel. It brings me back to the reality that there is more to the world than just me and my little life. It simply puts things in perspective.
These days I am taking flying lessons. However, the 2023 weather seems to have other plans. I am open to the experience of wanting to open the doors to a more elevated feeling of freedom. I cannot wait to take my first solo flight!!! Nervous, absolutely, but mostly so excited to move forward in a new way of experiencing freedom. A new way of experiencing life!