Hey all,
I owe everyone an apology for the state of my site. It has been in SOLD OUT mode for about 4-5 months. I am so sorry. This gig is starting to get out of my control and I am not sure how to keep up. Having recently moved into furniture and vintage has created some challenges for me in terms of inventory. Less smalls and more bigs. The big stuff is not shippable therefore not site friendly. So I continue on in the way of most of the small business owners I know. Events, rent space in other shops and sometimes consign if the percentage is good.
I really am working hard to keep things up to a high standard. It is not even close to easy. I have 3 children who are feeling the heat of my stress. Mama has to remember where her highest priority is and it's not the shop. So I am letting you all know that to find our goods and treasures it is still best to come find us! We are all over So Cal...I have updated the events page. Whew! One thing I have done! You can also follow us on Instagram here:
In the mean time...I have another trip planned for leather goods. They will be coming in the next two weeks. There are more textiles on the way and we are working hard to keep our home life in check! Pure. Utter. Chaos. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Health & hugs,